Blog How To Leverage Mini-Habits to Grow Your Spiritual Health

How To Leverage Mini-Habits to Grow Your Spiritual Health


   The biggest challenge to health is doing the activities that lead to health. We know the importance of tending to our health, but can struggle with staying committed to the disciplines that bring health in our bodies, minds, and spirits. If this describes you, you're in for a treat. Imagine making only small adjustments in your life, and still managing to create impactful and meaningful change. The mini-habit is just what it sounds like – it’s taking the premise that doing a whole lot of small things will eventually add up to something amazing.

   Think, for example, of what would happen if you prayed/meditated for 10 minutes everyday? Did 10m minutes of cardio every day? Practiced gratitude for 3 minutes? Before you know it, these would begin to add up and you would be experiencing improvements in your body, mind, and spirit. Mini-habits don’t stop there though. Not only can your mini-habit change how you get things done, but they impact you in other ways as well.

Read on to discover the powerful benefits of mini-habits.

  • You create an atmosphere of success. By setting small goals, you’re much more likely to meet them. So instead of telling yourself that you’re going to return all your phone calls promptly, you instead focus on returning the next phone call on time. That takes off the huge expectations that always felt so daunting in the past and left you with a feeling of failure when you couldn’t quite make it. What’s even better is that meeting these small goals means you get to where you start expecting success, which leads to the mindset that will generate that success you’re expecting. 

  • You change how you view your capabilities. By accomplishing mini-goals, you start to realize that you do have the ability and power to accomplish things. Your confidence grows, and you gain a better, more positive sense of your abilities.  

  • You get inspired. Motivation is sometimes hard to come by and gets used up quickly. That’s why mini-habits are important as they don’t rely on motivation to accomplish things, they grow from discipline instead. Then as you reach those goals, you start to feel the energy of that success, which in turn creates inspiration to keep going. 

  • You create a series of changes that you will carry with you your entire life. Mini-habits done daily will build up those larger habits that you’ve been trying to build all along. Like starting with a single push-up every day and creating almost as a by-product that habit of daily exercise that had seemed so daunting not all that long ago.

   Mini-Habits not only change how we do things but change how we think and act. By making a practice of following mini-habits, you will affect some pretty major change.

Try this routine and see the benefits in your overall health:

  • 3 minutes of gratitude journaling
  • 10 minute walk
  • 10 minutes of prayer/meditation

   In less than 30 minutes you will accomplish 3 proven practices to increase your health and well-being.

Your Partner In Spiritual Health,


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