Available Products

Resource Hub

Practical exercises for building faith, devotionals, Bible study tools, guided meditations, set up a 15-minute call with Melissa, and more!

Click here to schedule a Free Consultation

Spiritual Personality

Research has shown that we have four basic instincts when it comes to connecting to and communicating with the Divine. Though we make use of each of them, identifying our dominant instinct accelerates spiritual growth.

fiLLLed product logo with woman gazing into the sunset/sunrise with outstretched arms and the words: Spiritual direction - fiLLLed

fiLLLed - Spiritual Direction

Spiritual direction helps you explore questions of the soul, faith, and your relationship with God. Group and Individual sessions are available.

Forgiveness Toolbox

Forgiveness is a process that profoundly affects our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Learning how to incorporate forgiveness into your life will profoundly affect your happiness and resilience. 


A collection of Ebooks to help you grow spiritually and emotionally.

Pursuing Podcasting

Are you interested in starting a podcast? This is the process I used to create a podcast that ranks in the top 5% worldwide. 

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